Sprinter Guide

Usage (Scala 2.11.x)

Pass the tree to showCode method from universe:

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe
val tree = ... // unattributed or attributed AST

Build process (Scala 2.10.x)

All information below is relevant for Scala 2.10.x. To publish library to local repo run (from project’s root directory):

$ sbt publish-local

Target jar should have similar path:


See sbt pages for instructions to setup sbt.


1. Sbt projects:

In the target project add to project’s build file following options:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % "2.10.2",
  "org.scala-lang" %% "sprinter" % "0.2.0")

If you use sprinter as a dependency for compiler plugin it’s required to add lib’s jar to scalac toolcp or include printer’s classes to project’s jar.

In the case of sbt-based project you can use assembly plugin to create common jar.

Example can be found in printPlugin’s build file.

2. Standalone projects:

For default projects to add sprinter’s jar to scalac toolcp you can use compiler’s toolcp option:

$ scalac -toolcp /path/to/jar/sprinter_2.10.jar -Xplugin:/path/to/plugin/printplugin-2.10.jar hello/world/*.scala


To use sprinter import PrettyPrinters class:

import scala.sprinter.printers.PrettyPrinters

Create its instance (using object of type nsc.Global):

val printers = PrettyPrinters(global)

and then pass to printers show method required AST:

